
Learn to spell but with a pen and paper 😱

Product Details

  • What : IOS App
  • Aim : Learn to spell new words
  • Why : Bikoze dat iz youz full
  • Multilingual : Yes (many languages)
  • Non-english characters? : Yes, Chinese, French, etc.
  • Screen time : Negligeable. Pen & paper
  • Parent interaction : Optional
  • Age : 4+
  • Where : Apple app store (Later in 2022)
  • Device support : iPad, iPhone

Physical Writing

Use a pen and paper, or a whiteboard and a marker, or whatever physical writing setup you have available. We came up with an awesome app that does not require any fancy electronic pencil. It uses the latest technological advances to keep users away from their screen! Welcome to the past future!

Negligeable screen time?

You can use the touch screen of your device to setup word lists, start practice sessions, check usage statistics, etc. But beyond that users only need a good old fashioned pen and pencil, that’s it! We want to call on muscle memory and kinetic learning. To that end, we leverage the camera of your device and some fancy computing tricks to analyse the writing.

Is the camera required?

Yes, the camera is required. It will be pointed at the text, not the user.
The privacy conscious users will also be pleased to know that no data ever leaves your device. Therefore if you turn off the internet, you will see that the app is still fully functional. And the video stream is destroyed as soon as content has been analysed. It is never stored. Please see our CODACOVE privacy policy for more information.

How are words selected?

You can create your own lists and only use that if you like. Are there new words that the teacher wants your kids to learn to spell? No problem. The app will help confirm that the spelling homework was done, and whether any errors were made when spelling some of those words.
You can also leverage our carefully curated content to help develop the learner’s vocabulary and spelling abilities. Such premium content is optional but great value, and it helps support our work.